Texas Heartbeat Act
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
Jennifer Aniston Character Slams Texas, Attacks Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers on Apple TV+ Drama
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
Just another daily dose of fake news.
On Monday, NBC Nightly News shared a segment where correspondent Yamiche Alcindor blatantly lied to viewers…
Last week, ABC’s new R&B drama Queens referred to an unborn child as a “baby” five times in one episode, despite the baby being targeted for…
In light of the state banning abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected in September, The Washington Post published two articles this…
Jennifer Aniston isn’t “Friends” with unborn babies, that’s for sure.
The famous actress and sitcom star voiced her political opinion on her…
“Strict Catholic” Joe Biden’s so-called “Justice” Department just filed in a Texas federal court for an “immediate” court-ordered injunction against…
Never hesitant to parade her termagant personality and double-standards, the international meddler, tax-taker, and trust-breaking Hillary Clinton…