Texas Heartbeat Act

Nick Kangadis | September 18, 2023
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
Nick Kangadis | September 18, 2023
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
Nick Kangadis | September 18, 2023
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
Nick Kangadis | September 18, 2023
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
Nick Kangadis | September 18, 2023
This clip is being used to illustrate a point in an MRC TV and Newsbusters/MRC Culture story.
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | March 8, 2023
Just another daily dose of fake news.  On Monday, NBC Nightly News shared a segment where correspondent Yamiche Alcindor blatantly lied to viewers…
Dawn Slusher | November 24, 2021
Last week, ABC’s new R&B drama Queens referred to an unborn child as a “baby” five times in one episode, despite the baby being targeted for…
Alexa Coombs | November 18, 2021
In light of the state banning abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected in September, The Washington Post published two articles this…
Gabriel Hays | October 6, 2021
Jennifer Aniston isn’t “Friends” with unborn babies, that’s for sure. The famous actress and sitcom star voiced her political opinion on her…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 15, 2021
“Strict Catholic” Joe Biden’s so-called “Justice” Department just filed in a Texas federal court for an “immediate” court-ordered injunction against…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 7, 2021
Never hesitant to parade her termagant personality and double-standards, the international meddler, tax-taker, and trust-breaking Hillary Clinton…