vivian schiller
Now that Vivian Schiller is out as NPR's chief, Joyce Slocum was named to NPR's top post on Wednesday. However, her past political donations are…
My favorite reaction to the NPR undercover video sting hands down came from Juan Williams on Hannity last night.
As you probably know, Williams was…
Senior Executives at NPR met with a Muslim Brotherhood Front Group to solicit $5 million and discuss their federal funding, Fanatical Christians,…
National Public Radio President Vivian Schiller held a luncheon at the National Press Club today to speak of NPR's new endeavors as well as stating…
"Do you believe there is an imbalance at NPR in terms of liberals and conservatives in the newsroom? If the answer is 'yes' what do you propose to do…
Juan Williams to Vivian Schiller: Have you no shame?