PDetrick | October 30, 2008
CBS's Julie Chen wasn't optimpistic about the price of airfare this Thanksgiving. But, her guest, the editor-in-chief of Travelocity was, giving her some facts on the industry.
PDetrick | October 29, 2008
"The Biz Flog" for Oct. 29 takes a look at a UCLA study from 2004 that found FDR's New Deal prolonged the Great Depression.
PDetrick | October 28, 2008
Former Chairman and CEO of Citigroup Sanford Weill told “The Early Show,” Oct. 28 that unemployment would hit 9 percent and that Wall Street CEOs “didn’t deserve bonuses this year.”
PDetrick | October 23, 2008
CBS's "The Early Show" went after food companies for downsizing their products. The report downplayed the effect a mandate for biofuels has had on the industry.
PDetrick | October 22, 2008
CNN aired a "Fat Cats" special taking a few jabs at the CEOs of Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch.
PDetrick | October 22, 2008
OK everyone, it's time to meet the TED Spread if you want to understand how we are going to get out of this credit crisis. The TED Spread measures whether banks are lending or not.
PDetrick | October 17, 2008
"CNN Newsroom" reported that Hawaii will drop its health care program for children. They didn't say it was because people were dropping their private insurance to jump to the government insurance.
PDetrick | October 16, 2008
CNBC's Joe Kernan told chief Washington correspondent John Harwood that the Joe-the-plumber story "would be huge" and even a "bombshell" any other year, but only the New York Post picked it up and "no one even acknowledged it."
PDetrick | October 16, 2008
Today's episode of "The Biz Flog" features a clip of you know who -- Joe (The Plumber) Wurzelbacher talking about taxes. But he isn't the only one. The Wall Street Journal penned an op-ed titled "Obama's 95% Illusion."
PDetrick | October 10, 2008
CBS' "Early Show" asked kids, not experts on finance, what they think of the credit crisis.