Julia Seymour | November 18, 2019
Elijah and Sydney Strait took a Catholic parish to court on Monday’s episode of Bluff City Law. But surprisingly for the liberal legal drama, this was one battle the pair didn’t win. Their court case revolved around a devout, Catholic teacher Mrs. Ava Fulham who struggled to conceive and carry pregnancies to term. After multiple miscarriages, she and her husband chose to use in vitro…
Julia Seymour | November 12, 2019
After multiple episodes promoting abortion this season, New Amsterdam finally incorporated pro-life choices and attitudes on Tuesday night. Story on Newsbusters
Julia Seymour | November 11, 2019
It was general versus general this Veteran’s Day on NBC’s Bluff City Law.  After a malfunctioning GPS product kills several soldiers in misdirected airstrikes, Elijah Strait’s former mistress Gen. Virginia Howe seeks Strait and Associates help to expose the faulty product before it claims more lives. Story on Newsbusters
Julia Seymour | October 30, 2019
Although the Christian faith of several patients was a prominent theme on Tuesday night’s New Amsterdam, the shows doctors blatantly supported abortion. As if the promotion of abortion wasn’t enough to offend religious people, the show overlaid the gospel hymn “His Eye Is On the Sparrow” over several scenes — including one of a young woman about to have an abortion. Story on Newsbusters
Julia Seymour | October 29, 2019
Catholic doctrine, like many other religions, forbids suicide. Catholicism, in particular, considers it a grave violation of the sanctity of human life.  Yet, NBC’s legal drama Bluff City Law not only ignored that doctrinal stance on Monday night, it turned it upside down. The show portrayed religious figures including a priest supportive of the “right to die” through physician-assisted suicide…
Julia Seymour | October 22, 2019
Want your grandchild to be born instead of aborted? Keep it to yourself is the advice from NBC’s New Amsterdam.  Last week, pregnant, coffee shop clerk Ella told Dr. Vijay Kapoor she hadn’t decided if she was going to keep the baby (who is his grandchild). Kapoor’s son was Ella’s boyfriend who skipped town when he learned of the pregnancy. Story on Newsbusters
Julia Seymour | October 16, 2019
Doctors are generally believed to uphold the value of “first do no harm,” but that wasn’t the case on the latest episode of medical drama New Amsterdam which portrayed enabling a suicide as an act of mercy. Story on Newsbusters.
Julia Seymour | October 8, 2019
Smug, unfeeling suits, unconcerned by harm their products have caused — that’s how New Amsterdam portrayed medical device manufacturers in its latest episode.  Construction worker Mr. Martinelli is admitted to the hospital with strange symptoms and the doctors eventually realize he is being poisoned by cobalt from his metal hip replacement device, in “Replacement” which aired Oct. 8. Story on…
Julia Seymour | October 8, 2019
The same week as the Supreme Court prepared to hear arguments about whether Title VII should include protections for LGBTQ individuals, NBC’s legal drama Bluff City Law presented arguments of its own.  They just hid the agenda, initially, in absurdity. In the Oct. 7, episode, “25 Years to Life” attorneys Sydney Strait and Anthony Little go to court on behalf of their former law professor whose…
Julia Seymour | September 30, 2019
Fictional agricultural corporation Terennial was the big business evil in the second episode of NBC’s new legal drama Bluff City Law. In the Sept. 30 episode, Terennial makes genetically modified seeds for farming and sues farmers for “stealing” if their crops become contaminated with the company’s product. Farmers also testify that the company sent henchmen to intimidate them by following them…