Ian Hanchett | September 17, 2012
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow criticized Paul Ryan for visiting the Values Voter Summit yesterday. Maddow bashed Ryan for spending time with "nutjobs" who she blamed for the unrest in the Middle East.  
Ian Hanchett | September 17, 2012
Libyan President Mohammed El-Megarif called a White House theory that the embassy attacks in Libya sprung from protests over a YouTube video “preposterous” on NPR’s “Weekend Edition.” 
Ian Hanchett | September 17, 2012
  Intelligence sources from Libya continue to contradict the Obama Administration's story that the embassy attacks sprung up spontaneously from a protest about an anti-Islam YouTube video. The new source said "There was no protest and the attacks were not spontaneous," and that the attack "was planned and had nothing to do with the movie."   
Ian Hanchett | September 17, 2012
On Now with Alex Wagner. Wagner criticized Dinesh D'Souza's 2016: Obama's America as an "Anti-Obama documentary" guilty of "Othering" and promoting "Racialized theories" about the Obama presidency. In the same segment, Wagner mentioned Farenheit 9/11 without any criticism of the 2004 anti-Bush documentary.