Dylan Gwynn | July 15, 2015
The most disturbing part of this episode comes when a Mrs. Blanchard goes to visit the death row inmate who killed her husband. The inmate, not only proudly but also grotesquely boasts of having killed her husband. Because, as the inmate says, her husband was a “murderer” who was killing animals. But what the inmate gives as his inspiration for murdering her husband is even more twisted. 'Zoo'…
Dylan Gwynn | July 15, 2015
Since episode 1, Campbell has actively pursued the theory that chemicals produced by Reiden Global, the evil corporate entity of choice for this particular series, cause lions to communicate with each other and attack humans. But tonight, we found out the deeper, underlying reason for Campbell’s quest to destroy Reid Global. Hint: it’s a reason you could never have possibly seen coming. 'Zoo' on…