5th Circuit Appeals Court Demands White House Response on Power of Judeges

Alicia Powe | April 4, 2012
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President Obama's warning to the high court-- that it would be 'unprecedented' for the 'unelected; justices  to overturn a duly enacted law like his health care-- caught the attention of the fifth circuit court of appeals, the level of courts that's right underneath the supreme court in this country. 

The fifth circuit down in texas yesterday demanded an explanation of a Department of Justice attorney to explain the President's remarks. 

"I would like to have from you by Thursday a letter stating what is the position of the attorney general and the Department of Justice in regard to the recent statements by the president stating specifically and in detail in reference to those statements what the authority is of the federal courts in this regard in terms of judicial review"said Jerry Smith of the 5th Circuit Cour of Appeals