ABC’s ‘Blackish’: Obama Almost ‘Stolen Hope’

Dylan Gwynn | February 25, 2016
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Dre: The system is rigged against us.

Bow: Maybe it is, Dre. But I don't want to feel like my kids are living in a world that is so flawed that they can't have any hope.

Dre: Oh, so you want to talk about hope, Bow? Obama ran on hope. Remember when he got elected, and -- and we felt like maybe, just maybe, we got out of that bad place and made it to a good place? That the whole country was really ready to turn the corner. You remember that amazing feeling we had during the inauguration? I was sitting right next to you. And we were so proud. And we saw him get out of that limo and walk alongside of it and wave to that crowd. Tell me you weren't terrified when you saw that. Tell me you weren't worried that someone was gonna snatch that hope away from us like they always do. That is the real world, Bow. And our children need to know that that's the world that they live in.

Don’t his kids also live in the world where absolutely none of that actually happened? Don’t they also live in the world where millions upon millions of white people (misguided and wrong as they were) elected that same black president? Twice? A world where white Secret Service agents watched over Obama every step of the way, and no one, white or black, shot at him?

Why would the kids accept his worldview about how the world perceived Obama, when his worldview has no foundation in reality?

I don’t know. All I know is I’m really looking forward to when Blackish gets back to the light-hearted racial humor it does so well, and leaves the racial justice warrior stuff alone.