ABC's Moran Describes Kavanaugh as 'A Man Struggling to Keep Himself From Disintegrating...Falling Apart on National TV'

Ryan Foley | September 28, 2018
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During ABC's coverage of Brett Kavanaugh's testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the wake of the sexual assault allegations made against him at the 11th hour, Terry Moran described Kavanaugh as "a man struggling to keep himself from disintegrating, from falling apart on national TV.  He roared with anger, unjudicious raw anger, and wept, as Cokie pointed out."  Moran also predicted that Kavanaugh "is never going to walk on a college campus again and teach" and also suggested that he may lose his gig coaching girls' basketball as a result of the decades-old allegations. At the same time, Moran admitted that it didn't have to come to this; arguing "The Democrats had an opportunity to beat him fair and square on the merits, there are good arguments against putting Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court."  Moran concluded his remarks by saying "so you can see why he does get angry and then to be told, well, your anger's a temperament problem, it might be fair to vote on that basis but that's a heck of a catch 22."