Acosta's Leading Question to Puerto Rico Governor: Are You 'Dealing With a Bully' in President Trump?

Ryan Foley | March 29, 2019
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CNN's Jim Acosta interviewed Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello, focusing on his efforts to secure disaster relief for the island in the wake of Hurricane Maria. CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin noted that "tensions are escalating between the Governor of Puerto Rico and President Trump." Acosta asked Rossello "Does it feel that way sometimes? That you're dealing with a bully?"  Acosta was obviously referring to President Trump. Rossello took the bait, warning that "if the bully gets close, I'll punch the bully in the mouth." Acosta also asked Rossello to weigh in on the Puerto Rico statehood debate, asking him "do you think the President treats people of Puerto Rico as citizens?"  Rossello surely delighted the anti-Trump Acosta in his answer by declaring that he "treats us as second-class citizens."