After Biden FINALLY Comments on Cuomo, Nets Allow Seconds to His Lame Response

Scott Whitlock | March 15, 2021
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Joe Biden late on Sunday was finally forced to offer an opinion on the Andrew Cuomo scandal as it spirals out of control. But the networks on Monday allowed mere seconds to his lame, calculated reply, one that really said nothing. ABC, CBS and NBC devoted just 51 seconds total (within larger stories on the Democrat) to Biden’s take on his scandal-ridden friend. Here’s the some total of the President’s comments on Sunday: “I think the investigation is underway, and we should see what it brings us.” Rather than call that a slimy non-answer, Good Morning America allowed a scant eight seconds on Biden in their 43 second total story on Cuomo. Reporter Stephanie Ramos sounded like a Democratic operative: “President Biden asked over the weekend whether Cuomo should resign, and he agreed we should wait to see the investigation's outcome.”