ACEVEDO: And Gayle, when asked about allegations of disinformation, Radio Mambí declined to comment on that or on the Latino Media Network's purchase of the station. And after canceling our on-camera interview, the new owners of Radio Mambí sent a statement instead and I’ll read that- quote: “We believe in freedom of expression and a free press which values verifiable facts and balance. All points of view will be welcomed and encouraged." You can read the statement on and more on our reporting on how Latinos are being bombarded with this information not just in traditional media but online and through instant messaging apps. Vlad?
VLADIMIR DOUTHIERS: Enrique- uh, thank you very much. I mean, this is a fascinating report.
GAYLE KING: This is a scary report to me.
DOUTHIERS: Well- one of the things that Enrique said, in the last two elections more Latinos voted Democrat but Republicans are closing that gap, so what does that tell you? That tells you it's not enough to just win the demographic that you're going after. You've actually got to wi-- it's about how much you win them by.
DOUTHIERS: And so that's why they’re-- that's why they're being targeted.
DOKOUPIL: And a lot of people say Florida's not really a swing state anymore, it's trending red. And a big reason for that is because the Republican party has made advances with the Latino population, particularly Cubans in South Florida, right where Enrique was. Listening to those stations.
KING: In his report he pointed out you can get your information from many sources, you should compare. But most people don't compare.
DOKOUPIL: That’s right.
KING: They rely on whatever that source is. And that's what they go with. That's why it's troubling when you're relying on people that are deliberately putting out misleading and misinformation.
DOKOUPIL: And you hope the new owners mean it when they say we're committed to a balanced set of viewpoints and to the facts.
KING: Yeah but we don't want to talk to you, CBS.
DOKOUPIL: Yeah, but…that’s true.
DOUTHIERS: All right