***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***
Tuesday was the big night over on CBS where they would hold the final Democratic debate before the primaries South Carolina and the Super Tuesday states. And with socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) occupying the frontrunner’s podium for the first time, one would think the host network would apply a little more scrutiny. But their pre-debate newscast on CBS Evening News completely skipped over the Senator’s recent controversy of praising the murderous regime of Fidel Castro, and his double down.
Political correspondent Ed O’Keefe seemed uninterested in reporting on Sanders’ admiration for the brutal Cuban dictator, while touting how the Sanders campaign put out a purported plan to pay for his policies:
At center stage tonight, Senator Bernie Sanders, the frontrunner, whose likely to face fresh attacks from more moderate opponents. For the first time, the Sanders campaign is providing what it says is a detailed plan to pay for some of the Senator's most-ambitious ideas, like medicate for all, universal childcare, and free public college.
Instead of doing the calculations themselves to see if what the Senator was saying about his “ambitious ideas” was true, O’Keefe simply stated that “His competitors say the math doesn't add up.”