Ann Coulter Nails Geraldo On His Political Phoniness

radioeq | October 30, 2013
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GERALDO RIVERA (29 October 2013): I'm rooting for this president to succeed, even though he's stuck up and snobby and everything else. I want him to succeed because when he succeeds, we all succeed, but today we're getting word that contrary to what [Obama] told us repeatedly, at least two million American policyholders will not be able to hold on to their current [health-insurance] policies.  
[... Later in the hour ... ]
ANN COULTER (66:08) [after Geraldo remarks that he would have preferred a massive expansion of Medicare instead of the ACA]: This does explain why people are suspicious when you call yourself a Republican, [when you say] that you want full socialized medicine. Look, you could have said --
GERALDO RIVERA: I want a single-payer [system]. I think that's the way.