Morning Joe devotes a segment to an Axios article, Shards of glass: Inside media's 12 splintering realities. The notion is that depending on demographics, people get their information from very different media silos. One of the categories is "Right-wing grandpas,' a reference to Fox News viewers. What is not revealed is that the average age of Fox News viewers is 68, whereas the average age of MSNBC viewers is . . . 71! Mika tells a condescending story of hearing about some of those "right-wing grandpas" who are convinced that "hurricanes are brought here by our enemies." How about the left-wing grandpas, who were convinced that if Trump-the-Hitler won, that would be the last election? Jim Vandehei of Axios says that the silo that Morning Joe and Axios are in are people "who want to be informed about the news on a day-to-day basis." As if Morning Joe isn't pure, sharp-as-a-tack-Biden, propaganda?
Axios On Morning Joe: Fox Viewers Are 'Right-Wing Grandpas'—But MSNBC Audience Is Actually Older!
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