Carlson Highlights CNN's Blackout on Dem Rep Harassing Pro-Life Protesters

Ryan Foley | May 8, 2019
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As NewsBusters has previously reported, the networks ignored the outrageous story about Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims harassing an elderly pro-life protester outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood clinic and threatening to dox her.  Cable news was not much better. Only Fox News bothered to give the story airtime. On Tucker Carlson Tonight, one of the handful of Fox News shows to cover the story, the eponymous host pointed out that “nobody at CNN is denouncing him. In fact, CNN’s website doesn’t even have a story about this as of this hour. Why would it? He’s their kind of politician so it’s not news.” In addition to calling out CNN for practicing bias by omission, Carlson slammed the Pennsylvania Democratic Party for not commenting on Sims’ behavior and pointed out that his status as a “star” in the Democratic Party likely explains why he has not faced stronger condemnation from liberals in both the media and the Democratic Party.