CBS Cheers the 'Help' of 'Drought Shamers' in Reporting Neighbors

Scott Whitlock | May 7, 2015
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[See NewsBusters for more.] CBS This Morning reporters on Thursday lauded the "help" of California's "drought shamers" for turning in their neighbors. Nowhere in the segment did the journalists discuss the cause of the problem or whether the state's liberal policies could be blamed. Instead, a CBS graphic touted, "Drought Shaming: People in CA Exposing Others' Excessive Water Use."  Correspondent Gayle King announced, "Some California residents are cracking down on water wasters this morning... State officials recommend that people take two minute showers." For those who violate the policy, "social media shaming may help this effort." He included video of a man driving down a residential street, filming his neighbors. This unidentified informant sneered, "Do you really need to do that in the middle of a drought?"