CBS, NBC Fret Missing Hillary E-Mails Is ‘a New Distraction’ for Her Campaign

Curtis Houck | June 26, 2015
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See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.

On Friday morning, all three of the major broadcast networks surprisingly covered the latest in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal as 15 e-mails between Clinton and former confidante Sidney Blumenthal were discovered missing from her time at the State Department. Despite the over five and half minutes of coverage, CBS and NBC expressed concern that “the revelation” could create “a new distraction” for Clinton’s presidential campaign.

In an opening tease for Friday’s Today on NBC, co-host Matt Lauer informed viewers: “Missing, the State Department reveals it can't find all or part of at least 15 work-related e-mails from Hillary Clinton's private server. A leading Republican lawmaker is calling it “significant and troubling.” Will the revelation impact her presidential campaign?”