CBS Whines: Rubio’s Family Leave Bill Will Rob ‘Retirement Security’

Scott Whitlock | August 2, 2018
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[See NewsBusters for more.] CBS This Morning deserves credit for having Marco Rubio on the program to discuss a conservative proposal, his alternative for paid family leave. The other two networks on Thursday, ABC and NBC, couldn’t be bothered to talk about his legislation. However, CBS’s hosts complained about the idea of allowing Americans to borrow from their Social Security in order for paid time off with a new child.  The plan, hailed by National Review, would allow Americans to use part of their future Social Security benefits after childbirth or adoption. In return, retirement benefits will be slightly delayed. Though this sounds innovative, co-host Alex Wagner complained: “But, Senator, isn't this really asking working class Americans to choose between retirement security and caring for a new child?”