CBS’s ‘Madam Secretary’ Is Back, and So Principled

Dylan Gwynn | October 2, 2016
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Madam Secretary: Sir, we need to talk. How are you, Russell?

Russell: I am very Sam Evans.

Madam Secretary: That can't be fun.

President: Take a seat. I could use a break.

Madam Secretary: I need to know why, when every respected climate scientist in the country had warned that the Bahraini base was subject to damage from cyclones, Burton Standard Enterprises did nothing to address the problem when it refurbished the base just two years ago?

Russell: Okay. Can we have the room?

Madam Secretary: I'm S... Sorry. I thought... Ah. I thought that they should hear it.

Russell: You thought the campaign team should hear you lighting into the business practices of one of the president's biggest donors?

Madam Secretary: Much bigger than that.

Russell: What?

Madam Secretary: It's not just the denial of climate change that's holding us back, even the location of the base is further evidence that we're stuck in old thinking. Why are we still in Bahrain at all? Why should the U.S. Spend its blood and treasure in the Persian Gulf, aiding and defending states with atrocious human rights records, while countries like Tunisia-- who actually share our values-- go unaided?

President: As poetic as that sounds, Bess, that's a pretty simplified take on one of the world's most complicated regions.

Russell: There's this new thing called terrorism. It's really catching on.

Madam Secretary: Bahrain has nothing to do with our strategy to fight terrorism. And we need to be honest with ourselves about the real challenges we face, or we are going to face a future with more and more American lives sacrificed, and for what? Preserving the power of people like Julius Burton? I mean, exactly when did the United States start making every decision based on strategic and politically expedient reasons? If we partner with nations just to remain dominant on the world stage, how are we any less imperialistic than Russia or China? I think we are at a critical juncture in human history and the U.S. Needs to completely overhaul its relationship with the international community.

President: How could you seriously suggest a complete change of U.S. Foreign policy during an election which I am barely winning? I'm already backed against the wall for allowing a dirty bomb attack on my watch, not to mention trading a treacherous spy to the Russians for reasons that I can't disclose. And now you expect me to explain to the American people that I'm going to pull stakes on a major strategic position in the Middle East? And totally alienate my biggest donor in the process? What good is bold idealism if it all but guarantees the loss of a second term?

Madam Secretary: I'm talking about doing what's right.

President: And I'm talking about winning.