CCP Media in Español? Telemundo, Univision Say China Spy Balloon “Not a Threat”

Kathleen Krumhansl | February 3, 2023
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MARTIN BERLANGA, TELEMUNDO: At the Pentagon, the Secretary of Defense convened a meeting with military leaders to discuss a possible threat, and they concluded that the balloon is only capable of gathering relatively limited data.


China's foreign minister said that they were gathering information on this matter, Nicole.


According to China, this is currently only speculation and conjecture. They did not issue an official statement pending clarification of the incident. They said that China does notintend to infringe on the air space of any country.


KARLA MARTINEZ, UNIVISION: It neither represents a threat to the military nor to the nation


NACHO LOZANO, TELEMUNDO: The presence of a possible Chinese spy balloon over U.S. territory, in the stratosphere, has ignited controversy. Beijing says it's a civilian research balloon that veered off course.                                                                                                             


JAVIER VEGA, TELEMUNDO: Even so, officials here in Washington say that this balloon does not have the capacity to gather intelligence beyond what a satellite would, for example. We will be on the lookout for more information on the reactions, because here at Capitol Hill, Republicans are already talking about a provocation that should not be overlooked.