Chris Matthews Blames 'Right-to-Work States' In Part for Baltimore Rioting

Geoffrey | April 28, 2015
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“Where are we going to find manufacturing jobs, good old boys jobs, young men’s jobs where you go to work, you come back a little dirty, a little sweaty, but you’re proud of yourself for a hard day at the plant. My uncle, my grandfather grew up in north Philly. I was living there, the neighborhoods now African-American. But none of those jobs are there. They were there when I was there. You get on the subway, two stops away you had a real job. You get into Baltimore, you can’t find a job with a short commute. And that’s, to me, the problem that’s behind all of this.
I wish the jobs hadn’t first gone south, congressman, because that’s where they went first. And they went to the right-to-work states, you know where they went, where the unions didn’t have any power. You could get people to work for nothing and the stuff wasn't that good that was made down there. But that was the first stop on the trip away [of jobs leaving the country].”
-Chris Matthews during exchange with former Democratic Congressman Kweisi Mfume on MSNBC’s Hardball, April 27, 2015.