CNN's Sellers: 'Donald Trump is a Racist, Period'

Ryan Foley | July 27, 2019
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During Cuomo Prime Time Friday, a discussion on the battle for the African-American vote took place.  CNN Political Commentator Bakari Sellers trashed President Trump by comparing him to segregationists and labeling him as a racist: "there are a lot of us who wouldn't take anything from Lester Maddox, there are a lot of us who wouldn't take anything from George Wallace, there are a lot of us who won't take anything from Donald Trump...Donald Trump is a racist, period." Sellers' description of President Trump as a racist came as he was trying to make the argument that criminal justice reform and a strong economy would not be enough for President Trump to win over black voters in 2020. Sellers went on to claim that President Trump " every single day makes you feel or attempts to make you feel lesser of an individual by his words and deeds because of the color of your skin."