CNN's Stelter Obsesses About 'Morality' in the Wake of the Mueller Report

Ryan Foley | April 22, 2019
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On Sunday's edition of Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter begrudgingly admitted "there's no conspiracy found in the Mueller report." He proceeded to move the goal posts by declaring "there's no integrity either." Stelter began making a "morality" argument, claiming that journalists have a "role to stand up for decency and morality, especially if others won't." After rejecting the premise of Rudy Giuliani that "if we're going to start making moral judgments about everybody in public office, we'll have nobody in public office," Stelter argued that "journalists can help lead the way by talking about morality and ethics if the people in charge aren't." Stelter picked up on the morality argument with his guests, asking CNN presidential historian Tim Naftali "how do we make morality more of the conversation now that we've seen this 448-page report with so much immoral behavior?"