Colbert Conducts Hard-Hitting Interview With Cuomo: 'Who Do You Want to Have Play You' in a Movie?

Ryan Foley | May 8, 2020
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The Late Show host Stephen Colbert sat down with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for nearly the entire show Thursday night and the interview was loaded with softballs. Towards the end of the interview, Colbert brought up a survey finding that the Cuomo brothers (Chris and Andrew) were "tied as the most desirable men in New York." Colbert proceeded to ask Cuomo "as an older brother, can you abide by a tie? Do you want to do anything right now to push yourself over the top in terms of desirableness? You want to loosen a top button, you want to give us a smoldering stare?" Colbert also asked Cuomo: "in the movie of this, when it's finally made, who do you want to have play you?" Colbert mentioned that he had Robert de Niro on his show the night before and he volunteered to play Cuomo, asking him "do you approve of that casting?"