Colbert, Norton Trash 'Angry Cabbage Patch Kid' Boris Johnson: 'I Wouldn't Trust Him to Water My Plants'

Ryan Foley | September 7, 2019
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Stephen Colbert sat down with British talk show host Graham Norton during Thursday's edition of The Late Show. Not surprisingly, the two teamed up to trash the leaders of their respective countries: President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The conversation about politics began when Colbert asked "can you explain what the hell is going on over there?" According to Norton, "it's as if the United Kingdom was embarrassed for America...felt like you're all alone on the world stage so we found our own angry cabbage patch kid...and made him the leader." The left-wing audience erupted into applause when Norton compared Johnson to a "cabbage patch kid." Colbert chimed in and described Johnson as "such a cheap knock-off of Donald Trump that he looks like someone in Times Square pretending to be Donald Trump." Norton continued to pile on Johnson: "I wouldn't trust him to water my plants when I was away but somehow, he is the prime minister."