Comedy Central's Noah Mocks 'Motherf**ker' Pope Francis, Catholic Church

Matthew Balan | June 28, 2016
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

Left-wing comedian Trevor Noah still found a way to blast Pope Francis on the 27 June 2016 edition of The Daily Show as he gave to the pontiff over his latest latest tip of the hat to the homosexual community. The Comedy Central host mocked the Pope's remarks: "The Pope says the Church and all Christians should apologize to gay people...My question is, how?'s not like Hallmark makes 'Sorry, I oppressed you for centuries' cards. It's like, 'Roses are red, violets are blue, sorry we said that Jesus hates you.'"

Noah later dropped an obscenity during his monologue: "It almost seems like the higher up the Pope goes, the more progressive he becomes. We got to send that mother-f***er into space just to see how liberal he can get!"