Cuomo Accuses President Trump of 'Embracing Dictators...Everywhere He Finds Them,' Slams Him as Racist

Ryan Foley | September 14, 2019
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During Friday’s edition of Cuomo Prime Time, host Chris Cuomo interviewed former congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng, who narrated a controversial ad that aired during Thursday night's Democratic debate. The ad featured a picture of socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with Heng describing her as "the face of socialism and ignorance" before asking "does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know the horror of socialism?" The ad primarily focused on Heng's personal experience with socialism, as the daughter of Cambodian immigrants who had to endure "forced obedience" and "starvation." During the interview, Cuomo told Heng "people like your family and what you represent...your fight is with the President that you support. He's the one who talks about your parents like they're 'some other' that shouldn't be in this country." Cuomo also accused President Trump of "embracing dictators...everywhere he finds them" before going back to playing the race card in an attempt to convince Heng that it's President Trump she should be scared of, not socialism: "you should be scared about him saying we don't want Bahamians in here because they're drug dealers, we don't want people coming across our southern border because they're a brown menace."