Cuomo Echoes Biden: 'This is a Contest For the Soul of Our Country'

Ryan Foley | August 28, 2019
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CNN host Chris Cuomo began his closing argument Tuesday night by using a line frequently used by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden: "This is a contest for the soul of our country." Cuomo declared that "this President represents a new harshness" before playing clips of President Trump designed to make the audience think he's a racist. According to Cuomo, "he's more than just wrong in the head, he's really wrong in the heart. America has always represented respect for law but not at the cost of our humanity; not by doing what Trump wants to do to the needy." Cuomo proceeded to outline the medical deferred action program, which allows non-citizens to receive work permits and Medicaid as their relatives receive treatment at United States hospitals. The chyron at the bottom of the screen read "Govt Letter to Sick Immigrants: Leave or Be Deported," indicating that Cuomo was planning on trashing President Trump for deciding to discontinue the program.