Democrat George Stephanopoulos: Democrats 'Licking Their Chops' Over Romney's Firing Remark

Scott Whitlock | January 10, 2012
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George Stephanopoulos, the former Democratic operative who worked for Bill Clinton and Michael Dukakis, confidently asserted on January 10th that Democrats are "licking their chops" over Mitt Romney's comment that he likes to "fire" health insurers who don't provide adequate coverage.

Stephanopoulos teased the segment by hyping, "But has Mitt Romney hurt his chances for a big win with these controversial comments?" How did Stephanopoulos and GMA cover another controversial story, the questionably legal appointment of Richard Cordray to run a consumer protection board? They didn't. On Tuesday, however, Stephanopoulos said of Romney's comment: "Democrats just licking their chops when they saw this."