DERANGED Colbert: ‘Murdering’ ‘Scorpions’ for Hearts Republicans Like Jack the Ripper

Scott Whitlock | September 22, 2020
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[See NewsBusters for more.] An absolutely unhinged Stephen Colbert on Monday made it clear to the half of the country that’s not leftist: He doesn’t want your viewership. Talking about the GOP effort to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Supreme seat, the Late Show host compared Republicans to serial killers who have scorpions for hearts. Regarding Mitch McConnell’s quick move to state that a Trump nominee would get a Senate vote, Colbert seethed, “But Americans didn't get any time to mourn this great justice, because less than two hours after we learned of Ginsburg's death, we heard from Senate Majority Leader, and neutered dog sack, Mitch McConnell.” Not even trying to make jokes, the “comedian” fumed, “Apparently, since 2016, McConnell has had a change of heart, or whatever squirming bag of scorpions occupies that dark cavity.”