D.L. Hughley Trashes Trump as 'Most Unexceptional Man in History,' Calls Devin Nunes 'Ignorant Ass-Kisser'

Ryan Foley | October 1, 2019
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The panel on The D.L. Hughley Show Monday weighed in on the impeachment push, making sure to trash President Trump and his supporters. Host D.L. Hughley held up President Trump as an example of "everything I ever thought Republicans were" while panelist Jay Phillips described President Trump as "the prime example of extreme white privilege," claiming "he is able to get away with everything that he's done because he's an incredibly rich white dude."  Hughley also smeared Trump as "the most unexceptional man in history," taking a shot at his supporters in the process by claiming "there's nothing special about him except he makes rednecks feel good." Co-host Jasmine Sanders characterized President Trump as a guy "who doesn't read and brags about it, who can't spell and brags about that too, who has no humanity whatsoever." Hughley had a vulgar message for House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, referring to him as an "ignorant, ass-kisser."