Fifth Circuit Affirms Fundamental Right of 18-20 Year-Olds To Possess Guns

Craig Millward | February 3, 2025
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Supporters of freedom and Natural Rights just got good news, in the form of a Federal Appeals Court panel-ruling that acknowledges and affirms the right to self-defense for people aged 18 through 20.

Despite the fact that such a right should be obvious to anyone who bothers thinking about the nature of self-defense, it’s a big victory, hints at just how precarious all rights are at the hands of voracious political predators, and it contains a key flaw that helps us learn about a prior major Supreme Court error.

The case, entitled “Reese et al, v. ATF,” stems from the federal so-called “ban” on handgun sales to 18- to 20-year-olds.

One can put the "ban" word in quotes because, of course, the fearmongers in government who tell us that they are stopping “criminals” from getting guns overlook the fact that criminally minded people will get their firearms in the black market.