Fox Biz on Biden's 'Plummeting' New Poll Numbers

Scott Whitlock | October 20, 2021
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[See NewsBusters for more.] The Joe Biden presidency is collapsing and the networks don’t want you to know about it. Two just-released polls have found the Democrat at record lows. But the evening newscasts on Tuesday and the morning shows on Wednesday, offered zero coverage of the very bad news for Biden. According to Quinnipiac, the President sits at 40 percent approval. It’s even worse for the Grinnell College poll, showing Biden at just 37 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval. Both are respected polling companies and included in the Real Clear Politics Average of polls. In contrast, Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo highlighted the bad news on Wednesday, noting, “When asked about the most urgent issues facing America, the top answers were the economy, Covid-19, immigration and health care.” Those are subjects that mostly look bad for Biden.