Fox News Touts Trump Success Cutting Illegal Border Crossings

bradwilmouth | November 5, 2019
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Lawrence O'Donnell recently made waves by absurdly claiming that one-third of rival CNN's airtime is devoted to President Donald Trump supporters as the MSNBC host bragged that his own far-left news network does not allow Trump supporters to appear at all.

But an examination of CNN's flagship morning news show, New Day, from the first 10 days of their coverage of the Senate impeachment trial against President Trump demonstrates just overwhelmingly skewed the news network is toward airing the views of liberals while there are only a modest number of token conservatives or defenders of Trump. In fact, liberal guests outnumbered conservatives by more than 10-1.

Out of all the segments devoted to discussing the trial or administration policy toward Ukraine between Tuesday, January 20 and Friday, January 31 (excluding Sunday, January 26), there were 73 instances of liberals appearing as guests -- including panel segments -- while there were only seven conservatives.

In fact, CNN contributor and Clinton administration alum Joe Lockhart - who has been a frequent guest on New Day for much of the past year -- appeared more times than the total number of conservatives guests as Lockhart has so far appeared every trial day, often participating in two segments within the same show, for a total of 17 segments.

Former Daily Beast editor in chief Jon Avlon has appeared on eight separate days, usually in multiple segments alongside Lockhart, and also in a total of 17 discussion segments, not including the show's regular "Reality Check" segment which he hosts. Other liberals who have made significant numbers of appearances include former Nixon counsel John Dean -- in recent years a frequent critic of conservatives -- and Paul Begala of the Clinton administration.

And the count of liberal guests only includes those who are more out of the closet liberals in contrast with the many left-leaning journalists who also participated in the discussions.

Of the seven appearances by conservative guests, CNN contributor and former Senator Rick Santorum appeared three times -- always paired with the liberal Begala. Others who appeared one time each to argue the Republican position were CNN contributor and former Congressman Sean Duffy, Wyoming Senator John Barrasso, Stewart Verdery (a Republican general counsel during the Clinton impeachment), and Paul Rosenzweig (former counsel to Judge Kenneth Starr).

There were also six cases of Republican critics of President Trump who appeared to argue against their fellow Republicans -- including CNN contributor and moderate former Pennsylvania Congressman Charlie Dent who made three appearances; former House Republican investigative counsel Sophia Nelson who appeared in two segments; and Gregg Nunziatta who used to work for Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

That means the conservative guest were outnumber 79-7 (or 11-1) by Trump critics, not even including the many journalists who also appeared.


1/21 tues

6:00 1st: lockhart and avlon and washpost's rachael bade

2nd: same

7:00 1st: NYT's haberman and begala

2nd: author jeffrey engel

7:30 1st: schumer

8:00 1st: lieberman and finney and johndean

2nd: zoe lofgren

8:30 1st: carol leonnig author of very stable genius

2nd: same

1/22 wed

6:00 1st: lockhart and avlon and margaret talev of axios

2nd: same

6:55 - 3rd sean duffy and charlie dent

7:00 1st: begala and haberman

7:30 1st: angus king

8:00 1st elie honig and david gregory and jennifer psaki

2nd jennifer rodgers cnn legal analyst criticizing starr's history

8:30 block: chris coons

1/23 thur

6:00 1st: lockhart and avlon

2nd: same

7:00 1st: laura jarrett and david gregory and finney

7:30 block: 1st: santorum and begala

2nd rep. jason crow (D-CO)

8:00 1st: axelrod and johndean

2nd jeffrey engel cnn pres historian

8:30 block: sheldon whitehouse

1/24 fri

6:00 1st lockhart and avlon and honig

2nd: same

6:30 block: josh rogin of washpost

7:00 1st: avlon and smerconish and susan glasser of the new yorker

2nd: jeremy herb cnn politics reporter

3rd: richard blumenthal

7:30 block: rep. val demings (d-florida)

8:00 1st: barasso

2nd lockhart and charlie dent and joshua geitzer (georgetown law)

8:30 block 1st: jon tester

2nd: lawrence tribe

1/25 sat

6:00 1st: avlon and honig

2nd: same

6:30 block: john kirby (cnn military analyst)

7:00 1st: lockhart and laura jarrett and margaret talev

2nd: mark mckinnon discusses impeachment affecting dem presidential race

7:30 block 1st: chris van hollen

8:00 1st: lockhart and john dean

2nd: rep gary peters (d-mi)

8:30 block: stewart verdery (gen counsel to asst majority leader in clinton impeachment)

1/26 sunday

6:00 1st: shan wu (cnn legal analyst) and karoun dimirijian (cnn political analyst, wash post)

6:30 1st: jenna ellis (trump campaign)

1/27 mon

6:00 1st: lockhart and honig (show started with kobe bryant)

6:30 block: jonathan swann axios

7:00 1st: haberman

7:30 block: david gregory and tim alberta of politico

8:00 1st: haberman

8:30 1st: adam schiff

2nd: mazie hirono

1/28 tues

6:00 1st: lockhart and honig

2nd lockhart and paul rosenzweig (counsel to starr)

7:00 1st: haberman

7:30 1st: dem val demings (florida)

8:00 1st durbin

2nd haberman and david gregory

8:30 ed markey

1/29 wed

6:00 1st: avlon and sophia nelson (former house gop investigative counsel) and politico's anna palmer

2nd: same

6:30 block: jennifer psaki pompeo and npr reporter ukraine

7:00 1st: lockhart and kaitlan collins and david gregory

2nd gregg nunziatta (former general counsel to marco rubio) advises gop should call witnesses

8:00 1st: johndean and kaitlan collins and rachael bade of washpost

2nd: santorum and begala

8:30 1st: rep. sylvia garcia (d-tx)

1/30 thur

6:00 1st: avlon and lauren fox (cnn reporter) and joshua geltzer of georgetown law

2nd: avlon and geltzer

7:00 1st: lockhart and charlie dent and bianna golodryga

8:00 1st: axelrod and david gregory and rachael bade of washpost

2nd: rep jason crow (d-co)

8:30 block: sheldon whitehouse

1/31 friday

6:00 1st avlon and smerconish and politico's anna palmer

2nd: same

7:00 1st: santorum and begala and kaitlan collins

2nd: jeff merkley

8:00 1st: hakeem jeffreys

2nd: kaitlan collins and karoon demirjian 

8:30 1st: jon tester

2nd lockhart and johndean