George Stephanopoulos: Hillary May Be the Most Famous Person in the World'

Scott Whitlock | April 15, 2015
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[See NewsBusters for more.] ABC and CBS on Wednesday skimped on the new revelation that Hillary Clinton was pressed two years ago about having a private e-mail server. Good Morning America allowed a scant 42 seconds to the news, first reported in the New York Times, that a congressional committee directly asked the Secretary of State. CBS This Morning did even worse, allowing a mere 14 seconds.  Former Clinton operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos introduced a report by extolling, "Hillary Clinton may be the most famous person in the world." (More famous than the President? The Pope?) Jon Karl eventually explained, "This was an official inquiry from the U.S. Congress, from the Government Reform Committee in the House. They asked [Clinton] specifically if she ever used personal e-mail to conduct official business."