It's Come to This? Mark Halperin 'Follows Up' With Questions CNN Missed

Scott Whitlock | July 16, 2015
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[See NewsBusters for more.] Has it come this? Conservatives need to rely on the liberal Mark Halperin to "follow up" on CNN's softball interviews with Hillary Clinton? On Wednesday, Halperin grilled top Clinton adviser Jennifer Palmieri on a question the 2016 candidate ignored when she was on CNN. In early July, Brianna Keilar asked Clinton a question about deleting 30,000 e-mails. The Democrat didn't answer.  Halperin zeroed in: "We're going to play the role, real quick, of CNN follow-up reporter. Hillary Clinton did an interview with CNN. She answered a lot of the questions. There were at least a couple she didn't answer. So, we wanted to play one of those for you and have you answer it."