Kimmel: CPAC Is ‘Largest Gathering’ of Anti-Vaxxers Led by a ‘Dementia’-Stricken Trump

Curtis Houck | March 5, 2019
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What a pathetic stable of late-night comics we have in America which, of course, includes ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel. On Monday’s show, the Trump portion of Kimmel’s monologue contained a ghoulish swipe at conservatives and CPAC attendees as the “largest gathering” of anti-vaxxers and heard from President Donald Trump, who Kimmel suggested has dementia.

And to make things worse, Kimmel quipped that because he views the President as having done things he’s alleged critics of having done, he “wouldn’t be surprised if we found out that he had sex with Bill Clinton.” And just remember, as long as you’re a good leftist, you can make jokes about homosexuality and you won’t face punishment.