Kimmel Unveils Satirical Trump Wines Ad Trashing the President

Ryan Foley | November 27, 2019
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During his opening monologue Tuesday night, left-wing activist and late-night "comedian" Jimmy Kimmel took plenty of shots at President Trump. Kimmel described Trump as "yam-headed" before playing footage of his turkey pardons.  After the video clip concluded, Kimmel argued "those turkeys should be pardoning him, by the way, not the other way around." Later, Kimmel complained that "50 percent of Americans are still on the fence" when it comes to impeachment, asking "how is that possible?" According to Kimmel, "there's not a single person involved in this, not in Congress, the White House, the media, who doesn't know Trump shook down Ukraine for political dirt." Kimmel expressed dismay that "the Democrats are still building a case like this is an episode of The Good Wife or something. We know who done it. It's the large orange man screaming at reporters on the White House lawn." Kimmel also mocked Eric Trump for promoting Trump wines during the impeachment hearings: "what most families might see as humiliation, they see as a marketing opportunity." At this point, Kimmel unveiled a satirical Trump Wines ad with a voice-over listing off a laundry list of left-wing grievances against the President: "extorting our allies, denying climate change, separating families, telling more than 13,000 lies in office, sucking up to dictators, validating Nazis, employing white supremacists, and tearing the fabric of our democracy apart. This Thanksgiving, make time for Trump wine because our vodka went bankrupt." Following the conclusion of the ad, Kimmel described Trump wine as "the wine that leaves a stain on everything."