Maher, Panel Slam Political Correctness in the Wake of Kate Smith Debate

Ryan Foley | April 27, 2019
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During Friday’s edition of Real Time With Bill Maher, the eponymous host and his panel weighed in on the Kate Smith debate. The legendary singer has become a target of the PC police because “she sang a horrible racist song in the 30s.”  Former NBC Sportscaster Bob Costas advised against writing her “out of history posthumously” and argued that “we make the mistake of assuming that our cultural moment represents some kind of end game…of sensitivity and awareness and the truth is that those wagging the finger today, if things keep going the way they are, with extreme political correctness or extreme identity politics progressing at warp speed, then those wagging a finger today may be on the other end of it tomorrow.”  CNN’s John Avlon agreed, saying “the impulse to excise artists for any manner of sins gets a little, a little Orwellian, it gets a little bit writing them out of history. We have got to confront our history, the good, bad, and the ugly, especially the ugly. But disappearing it seems really dangerous.”