MSNBC Pays Tribute to Radical LGBT Leftists Dan Savage and Larry Kramer

Matthew Balan | October 8, 2014
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

MSNBC's Joy Reid set aside nearly six minutes of air time on Wednesday's The Reid Report to letting homosexual activists Larry Kramer and Dan Savage boast about their longtime involvement in the far-left LGBT movement. The segment was the latest in Reid's "Generation to Generation" series on her program, which, in her words, "brings together current leaders – and the people who influenced...them – for frank conversations about politics, policy, and the state of our culture."

The left-wing host gave Kramer a platform to wax ecstatic about his founding of the radical group ACT-UP, as well as boost his play/movie The Normal Heart. Savage hyped his It Gets Better Project, and sang the praises of Kramer during the segment.