NBC's Tribute to John Paul II in 2005: Pope Oppressed Women, 'Affirmed Death'

Matthew Balan | March 29, 2012
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On the April 6, 2005 edition of NBC Nightly News, correspondent Bob Faw paid tribute to Pope John Paul II immediately after his death by highlighting how the Pontiff "alienated" many with his teaching. Faw focused on two supposedly Catholic women who dissented from the Church's teachings on women's ordination and contraception.

Faw: "Embraced by multitudes...John Paul also alienated others. Lifelong Catholic Serra Sippel was so angered by his teachings she quit going to Mass.....She's outraged even now the Vatican didn't do more to stop sexual abuse by priests. Outraged, too, because the late Pope refused to ordaine or even consider ordaining women...."

Rea Howarth, Catholics Speak Out: "This Pope didn't care to learn from the likes of women."

Faw: "Her left-of-center Catholic group also complains that John Paul, rather than affirming death, actually affirmed death when he refused to permit the use of condoms to fight the spread of AIDS."

Howarth: "That teaching is death dealing."