Nets Cover-Up Biden Quoting Mao, CBS Campaigns for Him Instead

Nicholas Fondacaro | July 14, 2020
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

If President Trump were to quote one of the world’s deadliest dictators in a positive way the media would have a Chernobyl-level meltdown. In fact, they tried to claim his campaign’s use of a bald eagle was a nod to Nazi Germany. But when Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden quoted Mao Zedong during a Monday evening campaign event, his allies at ABC, CBS, and NBC covered it up. Instead of reporting on Biden’s controversial comment, Tuesday’s CBS Evening News took to campaigning for him.

Biden’s quotation of Mao came during a Monday evening virtual campaign event co-hosted by former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. “According to the pool reporter who watched the event, Biden then cited the Chinese proverb, ‘Women hold up half the sky,’” Washington Examiner political reporter Joseph Simonson wrote.

Adding: “The phrase comes from a proclamation by Mao in the mid-20th century that helped grant certain rights to women in China. The phrase became commonplace in China at the time, often appearing on pieces of propaganda in factories or other industrial areas.”

The comment came as the Trump campaign was making the argument that Biden was too close with China.
