New ‘On the Record’ Hammers Hillary for Ducking Full-Blown Pressers for Small Plane Gaggles

Curtis Houck | September 6, 2016
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As many news consumers and political junkies know by now, longtime Fox News Channel (FNC) Greta Van Susteren departed the network on Monday (while CNN’s Brian Stelter suggested she was forced out after a dispute over her desire to leave) and so the classy, steady journalist and former Special Report host Brit Hume was appointed to oversee her On the Record program from Tuesday through Election Day. 

While discussing Hillary Clinton actually taking questions from reporters, Hume and guests A.B. Stoddard of Real Clear Politics and Susan Ferrechio of The Washington Examiner hammered Clinton for ducking the unpredictably of a formal news conference in favor of gaggles with adoring and friendly reporters aboard her new press plane.