Now He’s Gone, CNN’s Jim Acosta Touts How Spicer ‘Was Raked Over the Coals Publicly’

Curtis Houck | July 21, 2017
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Calling into CNN’s Inside Politics after news broke Friday afternoon Sean Spicer would resign from the position of White House press secretary, senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta trumpeted the reality that Spicer “was raked over the coals publicly” on Saturday Night Live and in the media (especially by people like Acosta). 

“I talked to a source close to the White House just a few moments ago about all of this, and it sounds like there is a lot of turmoil going on behind the scenes in this press shop, in this communications shop,” Acosta began before noting how the President reportedly wanted Spicer to do the job of communications director while Anthony Scaramucci had the title.