With the Paris Olympics set to begin on Friday, PBS’s Amanpour and Company devoted their entire show to the games on Thursday, including a wild history lesson on the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, where The Other Olympians: Fascism, Queerness and the Making of Modern Sports author Michael Waters tried to tie Nazism with opposition to transgender ideology.
As part of his history lesson, Waters touched on the Czech runner, Zdenek Koubek. Koubek was a champion female runner who would later identify as a man. It should be noted that Koubek was intersex, not transgender.
However, as CNN International’s Hari Sreenivasan claimed, not everyone was thrilled with the idea, “There's an interesting character you write about, kind of—it's sort of behind this interest in figuring out how to test athletes. His name is Wilhelm Knoll. Tell us a little bit about him. Who is he? Who was he?”
[See NewsBusters for more]