Sam Bee Creates PAC to Help Democratic Candidates

Ryan Foley | November 7, 2019
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On Wednesday, liberal comedian Samantha Bee devoted the second segment of Full Frontal to rolling out a new app called "Full Frontal's Totally Unrigged Primary," which basically amounts to a PAC designed to raise money for Democratic presidential candidates. Bee described the app: "all you have to do is join your favorite candidate's team and answer questions and complete fun challenges to earn points for them as you drive the road to Iowa." In addition, the app enables participants to "donate real money to a fund called Sam Bee's political swear jar." The TBS host promised that "when the game ends just before the Iowa caucuses in February, we will give the entire fund to the candidate whose players have earned the most points." Bee concluded the segment by proclaiming "as we get closer to the election, it is super important that we all unite behind one candidate. It's the only to win. And this game will give us a little practice doing that." This fundraising scheme proves once again that the line between late night comedy and Democratic politics has been completely erased.