Samantha Bee Giddy About Public Impeachment Hearings

Ryan Foley | November 14, 2019
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Not surprisingly, left-wing comedian Samantha Bee was very excited that the public impeachment hearings have begun. She began Wednesday's edition of Full Frontal by declaring "I can't wait to finally eat a piece of the impeachment cake I baked over three years ago!" After mocking Congressman Devin Nunes as the "captain of the Congressional flop sweat team," Bee did her best to paint the hearings as a positive development for Democrats and a disaster for Republicans. She praised the "persuasive" witnesses and predicted that "every bombshell will just be confirming things we already know." As her opening monologue came to a close, Bee proclaimed "today was not a good start for Republicans. They didn't manage to throw the kind of distracting, conspiracy-filled spectacle they're so good at." A gleeful Bee predicted "Trump is going to be so mad at what a terrible job they did defending him!"