Ted Cruz calls it how he sees it on Al Punto Interview

garvin oliver | October 26, 2018
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SENATOR TED CRUZ: We are seeing an anger, an extreme rage on the far left. Full of hate towards Donald Trump. And this impacts, influences everything they do. This is not good for this country, it's not healthy. Look, we can disagree on weighty matters, on politics, but we have to be agree on civic matters, on treating each other with dignity. Respecting each other. And these screams and shrieks: we saw a group of people with rage from the extreme left banging on the door of the Supreme Court. We are not that. The way I approach politics has always been to focus on issues, weighty issues. And it should be noted that in the Hispanic community we now have in the Hispanic community the lowest level of Hispanic unemployment that has ever been recorded in history, since they began to have these data. These are incredible results.