Telemundo Anchor Smears Rubio In Anti-Gun Editorial

MRC Latino | February 18, 2018
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MARIA CELESTE ARRARAS, TELEMUNDO ANCHOR: After this massacre, many are demanding that politicians take action and regulate the sale of firearms. At this time, there are three signs rolling through Miami, criticizing the Republican Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio for not doing anything to control guns in this state, a state that has very relaxed laws when compared to others. 

His critics say that Rubio's gag is the National Rifle association, or NRA, which has paid him over three million dollars throughout his political career. One day after the killing, Senator Rubio said that of a person has decided to commit a crime, they will find a way to do so. In other words, that imposing new restrictions would not be effective.

And he did this 24 hours after saying that we had to pray, and he posted several Psalms, but has never argued anything in favor of imposing laws that truly make a difference in preventing this type of slaughter in the future.